

Choose the perfect dress, skirt or coat for every occasion.

Cool outfits are waiting for you in this new collection: Shop.Areadocks will awaken your fashion soul.

“I know what women want. They want to be pretty.” (Valentino)


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Your favourite clothes

What should I wear today? Shop.Areadocks shows you the way. Our personal shoppers are ready with the coolest outfit of the moment: jeans, pants and t-shirts for your new minimal look; jackets and shirts give you confidence and they paint the grey background of the City. Skirts or shorts, leather coats or overcoats: mood or season doesn’t matter; Shop.Areadocks is the real must have of the year.

Your appropriate outfit

2019 was born under the sign of simplicity: basic t-shirts and striped trousers, long and floreal dressed for the coolest cocktail party. Ideas and andvices in outfit corner: with Shop.Areadocks dress code always had more about the rest.